Ramante Dukham

Essays by M P Veerendrakumar,Chairman and managing director of Mathrubhumi newspaper group.M P Veerendrakumar was inducted into the socialist movement by the legendary Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan at the tender age of 15. Actively involved in politics since then and is a dominating presence in the public life of Kerala. An active politician for the past several years. Was National Committee Member of the erstwhile Samyukta Socialist Party and afterwards became its All India Treasurer. Elected as the State Secretary of the Kerala Unit of the Socialist Party and also as National Committee Member. Was also one of the All India Secretaries of the erstwhile Socialist Party. Was the Convener of the Opposition Co-ordination Committee in Kerala State. Was the Vice President of the erstwhile Janata Party, Kerala State Committee and acted as its President for a while. A champion of the underprivileged he is actively associated with the Trade Union Movement. Was arrested during the emergency and the Government confiscated his properties. Currently he is the President of Janata Dal, Kerala State Committee.
Essays by M P Veerendrakumar, Janata Dal (S) leader and Member of Parliament. It is published by Mathrubhumi Books Kozhikode.
Pages: 119 Price: INR 60

‘ചോദ്യമില്ലെങ്കില്‍ മൌനം അതിനു പകരം വരുന്നു. മൌനം ഫാസിസം ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്ന ഒന്നാണ്. മൌനം കുറ്റകരമാകുന്നു. കുറ്റത്തിനു വാചാലമായ വാങ്‌മയങ്ങള്‍ സൃഷ്‌ടിക്കാനുള്ള രാഷ്‌ട്രീയ നേതൃത്വത്തിന്റെ കടയ്‌ക്കലാണ് വീരേന്ദ്രകുമാര്‍ കത്തിവെക്കുന്നത്. ഭാരതീയ സംസ്‌കൃതിക്കേറ്റ മുറിവുകളെ ഓര്‍ത്ത് തീവ്രദു:ഖം അനുഭവിക്കുന്നവരുടെ വികാരവിചാരങ്ങളാണ് ഈ കൃതിയില്‍.’അവതാരികയില്‍ എന്‍.പി മുഹമ്മദ്.
A gifted writer as well, M P Veerendrakumar has to his credit several volumes such as “Ramante Dukham”, “Gattum. Kaanacharadukalum” and “Buddhante Chiri”.
Essays by M P Veerendrakumar, Janata Dal (S) leader and Member of Parliament
A gifted writer as well, M P Veerendrakumar has to his credit several volumes such as “Ramante Dukham”, “Gattum. Kaanacharadukalum” and “Buddhante Chiri”

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» M P Veerendrakumar


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