Sucheendram Rekhakal

Krishna Pillai's role in the transformation of the CSP into the CPI in Kerala was decisive. Soon Krishna Pillai went into hiding, to organise the party in secret, a job in which he already had considerable experience. One day, in December 1940, when he strayed into his native Vaikom, the police were waiting for him. He was arrested and hurriedly transferred to the Edalakudi sub-jail in Kanyakumari district, near Sucheendram in Tamil Nadu.And there began a rather quaint love story. While in jail, Krishna Pillai befriended a guard and sought his help to get some books (in Hindi) to read, from a schoolgirl who used to pass by the prison every day. Always, when the books were returned, there would be pieces of paper concealed within its covers. The scribbled notes began by asking in Hindi. `What is your name?' And no sooner had the frightened girl replied, `Thankamma', than Krishna Pillai began sending her a string of such notes, not on love, but on politics. Thankamma was bewildered, but the intention was clear: she was to be a new recruit for the party. The relationship blossomed further when Thankamma began translating Krishna Pillai's secret messages from Hindi into Malayalam and delivering it clandestinely to CPI members, risking the wrath of the Dewan's secret police. Soon she would even find a job as a tutor to schoolchildren to find the money to pay the jail guard. She eventually met her mystery man when he was being taken outside the jail premises for a bath. It was only then that Krishna Pillai proposed to her .  They got married when he was released soon after the ban on the party was lifted in July 1942.
Memoirs by T N Gopakumar. It is published by Mathrubhumi Books Kozhikode.
Pages: 59 Price: INR 30

‘തന്റെ അമ്മയുടെയും ഒരു ചരിത്രപുരുഷന്റെയും പ്രണയകഥ ആ അമ്മയുടെ രണ്ടാം ഭര്‍ത്താവിലുള്ള മകന്‍ കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യുകയാണ്. ഇത് എളുപ്പമുള്ള കാര്യമല്ല. പ്രത്യേകിച്ചും മലയാളത്തിന്റെ വിലക്കുകള്‍ ഓര്‍ക്കുമ്പോള്‍.’ അവതാരികയില്‍ ഒ വി വിജയന്‍.
സഖാവ് പി കൃഷ്‌ണപിള്ളയുടെ ഭാര്യ തങ്കമ്മ കൃഷ്‌ണപിള്ളയുടെ മരണശേഷം ജന്മനാടായ ശുചീന്ദ്രത്തേക്ക് മടങ്ങി. അവിടെ നീലകണ്ഠ ശര്‍മയുമായുള്ള വിവാഹത്തില്‍ ജനിച്ച ടി എന്‍ ഗോപകുമാര്‍ മരിച്ചു പോയ അമ്മയെ ഓര്‍ത്തെഴുതിയവ.
`Thankamma, the lady who had been courted by P. Krishna Pillai during his detention at Edalakudi sub-jail, near Suchindram, and who became his wife, returned to Suchindram after Krishna Pillai passed away.
After a few years, she fell in love yet once more. The hero on this occasion was Dr. Neelakanta Sharma. There was some aging person in her home, and the doctor had gone to treat him.
He was already married with three children at that time, so it was an explosive incident.In this second marriage she was to have three children. One among them is the journalist T. N. Gopakumar.

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